Gross Profit and Net Profit on Options


תוכן העניינים

Gross Profit and Net Profit on Options

For ease of explanation, we will define two terms used in calculating the profit (or loss) on options: 

  1. Gross profit is the profit from exercising the option only – the result does not take into account the premium (as if we received the option free of charge). 
  2. Net profit is the profit on the transaction as a whole – the result takes into account the premium, and thus reflects the net profit (or loss) on the transaction.  

These terms will be clarified later on.

Gross Profit and Net Profit on Options-1   Gross Profit and Net Profit on Options-2

Dates in the Examples

In the following chapter we will relate mainly to two dates: 

Date A – date of purchase of the option.

Date B – date of expiry of the option. 

Any date between these two dates will be stated as Date A1, and if necessary Date A2 etc.

Take another little break and  to watch a short video which talks about time value and options.

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