Every stock traded in the US is assigned a ticker symbol. The ticker is made up of a few letters that represent the company that issued the stock. The ticker is used any time an investor wants to refer to a specific share. For example, if he wants to give a buy or sell order, or if he wants to look up the stock’s price.
Here are a few examples of ticker symbols.
Corporation |
Ticker Symbol |
The Coca-Cola Company |
KO |
General Electric |
GE |
Microsoft Corporation |
Walt Disney Company |
Ticker symbols made up of only one letter are the most desirable. Here are a few examples of those:
Corporation |
Ticker Symbol |
Citigroup |
C |
Ford Motor |
F |
Gillette |
G |
AT&T |
T |
A stock’s ticker symbol can be found on the Internet, or in annual guides that are published which list the tickers of every company traded in America.