Expenditures Ledger Accounts


תוכן העניינים
Expenditures Ledger Accounts

Expenditures Ledger Accounts

Expenditures ledger accounts usually represent only “receiving’ (of raw materials or services), as can be seen in the ledger accounts for electricity expenditures and wood purchases.

Electricity Expenditures Ledger Account

Particulars Debit Credit Balance
Particulars of Transactions Contra Account
Electricity consumption Jan.-Feb./00 IEC 1,000 1,000D
Electricity consumption Mar.-Apr./00 IEC 1,500 2,500D
Electricity consumption May.-jUN./00 IEC 2,000 4,500D

Wood Purchases Ledger Account

Particulars Debit Credit Balance
Particulars of Transactions Contra Account
Purchase of 50 kg Wood Africa Wood 2,500 2,500D
Purchase of 60 kg Wood HaBench 3,00 5,500D
Purchase of 100 kg Wood Africa Wood 5,500


A separate ledger account is kept for each type of expenditure.

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