
If you’re looking forward to learning about the ‘people dimension’ in the management of businesses, with the main objective of effectively and efficiently managing the human resources of your office to achieve your organization’s goals, then the Certification Course in Human Resource Management (HRM) is for you!

In this comprehensive, well-structured program, you will gain an in-depth understanding of all the functions of HRM, including manpower planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, labor laws, and statutory compliances.

Section 1: Introduction to Human Resource Management

The introductory module of the Human Resource Management course will provide you with an overview of the actual scenarios HRs face in companies, how to smartly overcome challenges, and the recent trends in different HR functions. Here are some of the topics covered in this section:

Self-Assessment: To check your current knowledge of the HR domain.

What is HRM? Explain the meaning of Human Resource Management, the nature, scope, and objectives of HRM, and how the role of HR changes with the size of the company.

Functions of HRM: Describing all the functions of HRM in brief.

Challenges in the HR role: Debunking the myths about an HR and describing all the challenges faced in HRM.

HR – Competencies Required: Listing competencies required by an HR and explaining their importance.

Section 2: Manpower Planning and Job Analysis

Manpower planning involves identifying the required number of persons, the required type of persons, and the required skills. On the other hand, job analysis is concerned with identifying the duties and responsibilities of a job. Here are some of the topics covered in this section:

Meaning and Importance of Manpower Planning: Explaining the meaning and importance of right manpower planning and the types of manpower.

Steps Involved in Manpower Planning: Illustrating the steps in manpower planning.

Factors in forecasting Manpower requirement: Describing different techniques of forecasting, the common factors affecting manpower planning, and the current trends in the industry.

Section 3: Job Analysis (Traditional and Competency-based)

In this section of the program, you will get to know more about the traditional and competency-based job analysis. Here are some of the topics covered in this section:

Meaning of Job Analysis and Competency-based job analysis: Explaining the meaning of job analysis and its components- job description and job specification.

Competency-based Job Analysis: Explaining competency based job analysis and its application and designing a competency-based job analysis.

Sources for Collecting Information: Describing the sources for collecting information.

Section 4: Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection is a crucial part of the HRM functions. It is concerned with identifying, attracting, and selecting candidates for the open positions in the organization. Here are the topics covered in this section:

Meaning of Recruitment and Selection: Explaining the meaning of recruitment and selection.

Steps Involved in Recruitment and Selection: Describing the steps in recruitment and selection.

Sourcing: Explaining the meaning of sourcing.

Different sources of Recruitment: Describing the different sources.

HR/Preliminary Screening call: Listening to a mock call and analyzing common mistakes made by an HR in an HR screening call, making an HR screening call, and writing a proper email sharing job details with the candidate.

Assessment Tests: Describing different types of assessment tests, what constitutes intelligent behavior, the difference between intelligence and aptitude, different methods used to assess psychological attributes, and many more.

In-Person Interview: Describing structured and unstructured Interviews.

Common hiring biases: Identifying common biases that are present while conducting in-person interviews.

Decision and Job Offer: Differentiating between offer letter, letter of intent, and appointment letter and applying tips on salary negotiation.

Background Check: Describing the current trends in conducting background checks.

Onboarding: Describing the current trends in onboarding.

Common Terminologies: Explaining common terminologies with reference to recruitment and selection and commonly used terms in different departments- IT, marketing, finance, and the retail industry.

Challenges in Recruitment: Describing the challenges faced in recruitment with a case-study on Google.

Section 5: Training and Development

Training and development are more than just a process to create skilled employees to carry out tasks. It is an ongoing process that must be strategically planned and implemented to suitably align employee skills with organizational goals. Here are some of the topics covered in this section:

Meaning and Importance of Training and Development: Explaining the meaning of training and development, the differences between training and development, and the importance of training and development.

ADDIE model: Explaining the meaning of Instructional System Design (ISD) and the ADDIE model.

Analyze – Do Training need Analysis: Studying the 5Ws and 2Hs in detail.

Design – Design Session Plan: Explaining the meaning of the session plan, illustrating Bloom’s Taxonomy, explaining the different methodologies of training delivery, and many more.

Develop – Develop the training content and learn engagement tips.

Implement – Delivering a Training Program: Applying the tips and tricks while delivering a training program.

Evaluate – Measuring the Success of Training Program: Evaluating the Kirk-Patrick model with a Case-Study.

Section 6: Labor Laws and Statutory Compliances

Labor Laws and Statutory Compliances are vital aspects of the HR function. This section provides a brief on some of the common terminologies that will give the learners a bird’s eye view on several HR legal aspects.

Why do we need to be very strong in Labor Laws? Explaining the importance of Labor Laws in the life of HRs.

Common Terminologies: Explaining the common terminologies.

Section 7: Performance Management System

Performance Management System is concerned with enhancing employee performance to meet the goals and objectives of the organization. Here are some of the topics covered in this section:

Meaning and key steps: Explaining the meaning of the performance management system, the importance of effective performance management, and illustrating the key steps in the performance management system.

What should we assess? Describing different parameters that can be assessed.

Performance Management System vs. Performance Appraisal: Describing performance appraisal and the difference between performance management system and performance appraisal.

Key characteristics: Illustrating the key characteristics of an effective Performance Management system.

SMART goal settings: Explaining SMART goal settings.

KRAs and KPIs: Describing KRAs and KPIs.

Giving constructive feedbacks: Applying giving constructive feedbacks.


In conclusion, the Certification Course in Human Resource Management (HRM) teaches you everything you need to know about effectively and efficiently managing HR operations in your organization. Whether you’re an HR professional looking to upskill or a business owner managing your HR functions, the HRM Certification Course is the perfect program for you!