
Are you tired of hearing about the stock market and feeling unsure about where to begin? Look no further! Whether you’re a trading novice or an experienced investor, our comprehensive course covers everything you need to know to get started in the world of stock trading and investing.

What Makes Our Course Stand Out

We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. Our course not only teaches you the ins and outs of trading, but we put our own money on the line to show you how we invest in the stock market. By following our investments, you can see firsthand why we buy and why we sell, gaining valuable insight into the world of trading.

A Complete Foundation Course

Our course covers all levels of traders and investors, starting with the basics. We explain what a stock is, how exchanges work, and the difference between public and private companies. We’ll also guide you through the different types of brokers available to ensure that your investments are safe and sound.

Next, we’ll show you how to set up an account and search for a stock. You’ll learn about the different types of buy and sell orders you can place, as well as the key players in the stock market and how their actions can affect your investments.

Technical Analysis and More

Technical analysis is a crucial component of successful trading. That’s why we’ll dive into multiple forms and teach you how to apply them. We’ll explore charts, trends, candlestick patterns, and support and resistance levels. Understanding volume and other key indicators will also be a part of your toolkit. As a bonus, we’ll even show you some technical indicators like moving averages and Relative Strength Index to make trading smarter and easier.

Putting It All Into Practice

After mastering the technical analysis aspect, it’s time to start trading! We’ll guide you through both short-term trading and long-term investing using all the techniques we’ve taught you. Not only that, but you’ll be able to follow these investment portfolios throughout the course and even beyond.

Tools to Help You Succeed

We’ll provide you with a Glossary of Terms document along with other resource documents such as a guide to ratios and formulas and candlestick patterns. We’ll also give you a trading journal, which can become a powerful tool in helping you to improve your success rate in the world of trading and investing.

Ready to Get Started?

Our Smarter Stock Investing and Stock Trading Foundation Course is the perfect way to start your trading journey. With our help, you’ll be confidently investing in stocks in no time! So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and let’s get trading!