
Are you an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to learn how to grow your business and make it successful? Look no further than this complete entrepreneurship course that is designed to help you gain the knowledge and skills you need to achieve your goals.

Based on the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, this course has specific exercises that will help you apply the business wisdom collected in this book. The course’s theories come from some of the most successful business people that ever lived. By paying close attention to what these entrepreneurs accomplished, you can become a much stronger entrepreneur yourself.

Here’s a breakdown of what you will learn from this complete entrepreneurship course:

Part 1: Theories

1. Energy, Vibration, and Frequency:

Learn about energy, vibration, and frequency and how they are the secret to the universe. You’ll discover the immense power of words and vibration and how they affect us. You’ll also learn about resonant frequency and how you can increase your mind frequency.

2. Feelings and Emotions:

Understand the two basic emotions and how emotions are linked to a specific event. Learn about basic fears and how to change your mind vibrations. You’ll also be introduced to a simple exercise that will change your vibrations.

3. Sex, Love, and Romance:

Learn about Sex Transmutation and how to blend love, sex, and romance. You’ll also discover the highest vibration and how it unlocks the genius inside of you. This class includes an exercise that will raise your mind frequency by blending love, sex, and romance.

4. Desire:

Discover the difference between a desire and a wish. You’ll learn the method by which desire for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent. You’ll also learn about six definite and practical steps to write your desire. This is the first step towards riches.

5. Subconscious Mind:

Understand what the subconscious mind is and the difference between conscious and subconscious mind. You’ll learn about how your subconscious mind is programmed and how you can program it.

6. Faith:

Discover what faith is and how to develop it. You’ll also learn about subconscious programming and how to make desire an obsession with faith. There will be a discussion on communication between the finite thinking mind and the ‘Infinite Intelligence’, followed by blending Faith, Love, and sex. Lastly, you’ll learn about ether.

7. Imagination:

Understand the two types of imagination and the Infinite Intelligence. You’ll learn about creative imagination and how to use exercise that will help communicate with infinite intelligence. Lastly, you’ll learn how to create creative ideas and plans.

8. Planning:

Learn what QQs is and how it helps you create plans. You’ll go over things that will help you creating plans and come up with a million dollar plan.

Part 2: Stories Section

This section includes several inspirational stories that will help motivate you on your entrepreneurial journey.

1. The Man Who “Thought” His Way Into Partnership with Thomas A. Edison

Gain insight into the story of how one man thought himself into a partnership with Thomas A. Edison.

2. Three Feet from Gold

Discover the story of how one man gave up right before finding gold.

3. A Fifty-Cent Lesson in Persistence

Learn about the story of how a fifty-cent lesson in persistence changed a man’s life.

4. A Pretty After-Dinner Speech for a Billion Dollars

Find out how an after-dinner speech became worth a billion dollars.

5. Henry Ford and Specialized Knowledge. The Enchanted Kettle

Discover the story of how Henry Ford used specialized knowledge and the enchanted kettle to make his business successful.

Part 3: Mindfulness (Private Facebook Group)

This section includes two months of mindfulness coaching. You’ll learn about curiosity, enquiry, and non-judgment. You’ll also learn about stress, anxiety, depression, and work-life balance. Lastly, this section covers resilience, happiness, and well-being and working with emotions.

Part 4: Specialized Knowledge (Private Facebook Group)

This section includes courses on WordPress, YouTube channel; marketing, course creation on Udemy, copywriting, and Unity game creation course. These courses will help you gain specialized knowledge and skills that are essential for growing your business.

Part 5: Master Mind (Private Facebook Group)

This section includes a Slack project group of people with similar interests. You’ll learn about creating a product and be provided with a community that will buy your product. This Facebook group will help you stay motivated and inspired throughout your entrepreneurial journey.

Free Services and Products

This course also includes several free services and products, such as sending your desire, affirmations, and meditation scripts. You’ll also receive the Think and Grow Rich movie, two audio affirmations, and one guided meditation for wealth.

Certification Note: “The money generated from this course will be 100% used to feed hungry people who desire only to eat food. Let’s learn and help people who are hungry at the same time.”

Enroll in this complete entrepreneurship course today and start working towards growing your business and achieving your goals.